Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my last posting!?! already?

time flies.

i'm at the airport now, enjoying the use of a free computer set up near a gift shop. upon arriving at the airport, i also got to enjoy putting all my baggage on a free cart--no spare change needed to free it from its siblings. i'm going to miss taiwan!

somehow six weeks has passed, and i find myself wishing i had blogged more. especially since i have just a few minutes before i need to go through security and customs. but i look forward to sharing many stories in person.

today we went to the top of taipei 101, currently the world's tallest building. it was a beautiful, sunny, blue sky day, and the city looked incredible from up there. a farewell dinner after finishing my packing--where i realized that i've bumped into quite a lovely bunch of people while here--rounded out my last day. and of course, that one additional trip to the grocery store to get a few more things to bring home.

all day long i kept thinking, "i don't want to go!" i will have to return as there is much to see and do still in this beautiful and intriguing place.

i look forward to greeting the US with fresh eyes--always a trip! when i return home i will definitely post some pictures, long overdue. until then!

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